Body Guitar is the result Dr. Sean Wheeler’s unique life of service. Dr. Sean Wheeler spent years as an intern and in practice diagnosing and treating back pain. His desire to heal his patients from their debilitating back pain Sean tried everything the medical establishment prescribed to no or little effect. His extensive observations revealed patterns that lead to new discoveries that formed a true understanding of the actual causes of back pain. From there he developed Body Guitar, a set of medical procedures, posture protocols and exorcize routines, to truly heal the cause of patient’s pain.

Body Guitar Brand Development:

Logo Design | Branding | Website design & development | Social media marketing | Book Design.

brand BodyGuitar Hero
brand BodyGuitar IMG2 logo
brand BodyGuitar IMG3 video
brand BodyGuitar IMG4 book
brand BodyGuitar IMG5 type
brand BodyGuitar IMG6 type