Emprise Bank

Emprise Bank

Rebranding Emprise Bank began with restructuring brand basics like shifting the logo emphisis from an oversized mark to the Emprise Bank typeography, changing the color palette from dingy to bright and redoing all signage with bright and easy to read typeography. Next we shifted the focus from internal improvements and alined the banks branding to the consumer and the consumer’s point of view with the tag-line, “For Me.”

Emprise Bank Brand Development:

Consumer centric print material, all new signage, websites, digital advertising, stationary and business cards, direct mail material, drive-thru and in-store POS material, annual reports and more.

brand Emprise Hero
brand Emprise IMG2 exterior
brand Emprise IMG3 folder
brand Emprise IMG4 report
brand Emprise IMG5 mailer
brand Emprise IMG6 icons
brand Emprise IMG7 promotion