St.Thomas Aquinas Catholic School Logo Design, Wichita, Kansas.
Insight Design Communications, a Wichita Logo Design Company.
The St.Thomas Aquinas Catholic School Logo Design is an angelic crest. While the Holy Spirit is descending the crest itself is ascending, rising as indicated by the shape and flow of the ribbon elements. It has a calm vertical vector which in a subtle way pauses the eye and mind on a higher level, a heavenly contemplation.
Inside of the crest the initials STA are employed to comply with the school’s common vernacular and to covert the “T” into a cross. The graduation cap serves several functions. The cap clearly illustrates education but also denotes completion of that education and includes a secular awareness and education incorporated into a catholic context.
St.Thomas Aquinas Catholic School Logo Design, Wichita, Kansas, reversed.
St.Thomas Aquinas Catholic School Logo Design, Wichita, Kansas, on metallic gold.
St.Thomas Aquinas Catholic Education Logo Design, Wichita, KS, with typography.
1215 North Stratford Lane, Wichita, Kansas.
Professional church logo design, Wichita, KS, by Insight Design.