The best logo identities and branding work in black and white as well as color. Graphic design trends are now driven more by computer capabilities than by talent and vision. If a designer can’t draw he can always click simple repeated shapes, or plug in some gradations, or stripes, or dots, or lines. All are easy computer task. But, the most successful brand designs start with a compelling concept that functions well in black and white and small. In other words, the best logo designs work small in website or news paper ads as well as full color brochures. It takes hard work though, there are no computer tricks for that.
Old Town logo • Renovated business and entertainment district
Brad Bachman logo design • Home builder specializing in homes by water
Spring Crossing Cattle Company • Free range beef brand identity design
ComSmart corporate logo design • Communication training for executives
Lost Art Development Co.• Developer of artistic gift products for retail
QuickerTek corporate identity logo design, Wichita, Kansas. • Wireless products for Apple computers
Love Match • Assist singles in finding a love match
Exultia brand logo design • Software design company
My Volunteer Center logo identity design • Community volunteer center, Orange County California
Gear-Up brand logo, Wichita, KS. • Educational program preparing middle school children for college
Physique Enhancements brand logo design, Wichita, Kansas. • Spa, body sculpting and hair removal
Cargill event logo identity, Kansas. • Employee talk radio event